PRE-ELEC® electrically conductive plastics bring safety for hazardous environments and protection for sensitive electronic components

Proper storage extends the useful life of materials and components. Containers produced from electrically conductive plastics create a hospitable environment for electronic components and protect them from electrostatic discharge.

Solutions for ESD safety

The rising need for complex electronic components, such as those in electric cars, creates a demand for protective packaging materials for storage and transportation. ESD boxes and pallets protect fragile electronic components, such as wafers, microprocessors, and others, from unintended electrostatic discharge and mechanical incidents.

Our PRE-ELEC® compounds have high and durable conductivity and excellent dispersion. They are easy to process, recyclable, and resist wear and tear very well.

Solutions for explosive (ATEX) environments

Boxes and pallets made of electrically conductive plastics also bring safety to explosive environments.

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