Our new materials PP 19161 (conductive compound), PP 19136 (dissipative compound), and PP 19279 (concentrate) are polypropylene-based thermoplastics.
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This one-of-a-kind, efficient purging compound is based on natural fibers, and primarily composed of renewable and recycled raw materials.
PRE-ELEC® PP 18873 is a conductive compound for the injection molding process for products like housings, enclosures, and cases. It is specially tailored for equipment and electrical apparatus used in ATEX classified rooms and spaces, where the prevention of static discharges is a must.
PRE-ELEC® PA17970 is an electrically conductive thermoplastic polyamide 6 compound with enhanced mechanical properties from glass fiber filling. The glass fiber content is 25 wt-%. The conductivity is achieved by using a special conductive carbon black.